Old School tattoo is one of aesthetic works that comforts the eyes while also serving meanings through its forms. It is the manifestation of wanderlust and freedom as credos which drive people to contribute to this culture. In fact,tattoos become a life-long achievement and recollection for some. This collection embodies the enthusiasm and energy of tradition that we try to uphold. Though the tradition may grow in various forms, the roots remain as one.


As mortal beings, death is an inevitable stone-cold fact that we will face at the end of our lives. It is the gate to the afterlife where our souls eternally live. Demise reminds us to live to the fullest and tries to do as many good deeds as possible since everything has its own karma: the good and the bad.

God created this whole world for humans to connect and thrive. Building community is one of the ways to achieve the common purposes of life. Just like how spiderweb works, it’s built from scratch to a single strand and then grows to a whole fully function bridge thread. The more connected they become, the more they can flourish together in life.


Humans are created in pairs. If we’re lucky enough we’ll find the one that can fully complement our existence. It’s typical to find a couple with two different egos, traits and characters, but the love will keep and bond them together. The unconditional love they have for each other know no limitation and conditions.

Humans are created in pairs. If we’re lucky enough we’ll find the one that can fully complement our existence. It’s typical to find a couple with two different egos, traits and characters, but the love will keep and bond them together. The unconditional love they have for each other know no limitation and conditions.


Humans are created in pairs. If we’re lucky enough we’ll find the one that can fully complement our existence. It’s typical to find a couple with two different egos, traits and characters, but the love will keep and bond them together. The unconditional love they have for each other know no limitation and conditions.

Humans are created in pairs. If we’re lucky enough we’ll find the one that can fully complement our existence. It’s typical to find a couple with two different egos, traits and characters, but the love will keep and bond them together. The unconditional love they have for each other know no limitation and conditions.


Every beating heart desires peace in creating happiness. Peace is the bold, valorous and utmost response to the notion that violence provides any feasible solution for the conflicts of our world that we live in. The tranquility itself resembles a flower which holds overwhelming peace and love. Peace for one self is the seed & peace shared is the flower.