SWEDA launched its 2022 lighter case collection ‘EAZE’ dubbed as a wordplay of ‘ease’ - a term meaning absence of difficulty. The idea of ease is carried over and represented by the functions and the visual of the lighter case. Leveling up basic lighter cases with the touch and Sweda’s dexterity makes them stand out from the rest.
The visual look of EAZE lighter case inspired from POP ART Culture manifested on the engravings seen on both sides. The highlighted bright identical colors of POP ART on the engravings look charming and clean comes from enamel paint that is also known to be durable. Adding a playful element to the engravings and mix, the lighter case is also adorned with a functional pin that can be worn as a necklace, hooked on pants or put on other accessories. Not only do we pay attention to the lighter case alone, but we also heed the pins that are fully crafted by hand.
The depictions speak for the functional value of lighter cases as a flexible means that can fit and blend in any circles and functions. This EAZE lighter case is hoped to extend a good energy and let the good times roll. Never miss out the chance of having a great time to put our mind at ease. Everything will fall into place and ALL GONNA BE EAZE!
Lifestyle videos shot in Brooklyn, New York by @SlickJackson. The concept of the video is to capture the daily activities in different hangout places. Featured on the video are @zionmbf, @_hardboiledbabe, @louieguccilex and @scumbagchad. Riding, smoking and cozy places sounds like a recipe for a good time, right?