On December 10th 2021, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology through the National Museum of Indonesia was going to conduct a virtual Nusantara jewelry exhibition called Adunan Nan Selia. This Exhibition will present 50 curated jewelry collections, one of which is our collaboration piece.
Through this collaboration with the National Museum of Indonesia, Sweda created Gelang Kiai Nogo Mentaok. The bangle features symbolic ornaments such as Nogo, Mega Mendung, Swastika and Natural Red Stone that are amalgamated to manifest a devout life, full with wisdom, strength, fortune and limitless bravery. All the steps taken in the process use various combinations of traditional techniques and carried out attentively by hands. Not only did we create this bangle, but we also unveiled it in a 3-minute video showing every traditional technique and process taken.
Driven to commemorate Indonesian culture richness, Gelang Kiai Nogo Mentaok is uniquely designed and made by Sweda for Indonesia. On the land of Alas Mentaok, where Kotagede city lies.